ICFP 2025 Heads to Bogotá, Colombia!

ICFP Global Community Breaks Ground in Latin America: Celebrating Colombia’s Achievements and Regional Insights in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

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Uncover the compelling highlights from #ICFP2022 in Thailand with our comprehensive recap report.

Countdown to ICFP 2025








News & Opportunities from ICFP

Future of Family Planning Convening Report Now Available

Future of Family Planning Convening Report Now Available

Building upon the “Beyond 2020” session at the 2018 ICFP, the Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health solicited powerful new ideas from across all sectors of the family planning community and beyond and invited ...
ICFP Launches “We Are Family” Music Video

ICFP Launches “We Are Family” Music Video

To commemorate the fifth anniversary of the founding of the International Youth Alliance for Family Planning (IYAFP), the Gates Institute commissioned a new original song “We Are Family” which debuted during the closing ceremonies of the 2018 ...
Relive the Magic of #ICFP2018

Relive the Magic of #ICFP2018

The fifth International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) took place in Kigali, Rwanda, from November 12 to 15, 2018. It was co-hosted by the Gates Institute and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Rwanda. The 2018 ICFP was held at the ...

Youth News & Opportunities

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Family Planning News Network Stories

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ICFP LIVE On-demand Library

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ICFP is Much More Than a Conference

The International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) has become much more than a conference—it has grown into a platform for researchers, advocates, governments and communities; a movement towards achieving access to family planning for all; and a growing community guided by the spirit of partnership, inclusivity, innovation and scientific rigor. Become a part of this platform, movement, and community today!

ICFP 2025 Co-hosts

ICFP 2025 Core Organizing Group

Fraudulent Websites

Please be aware that fraudulent websites are advertising false location, registration, and accommodation for the next ICFP. The only official updates on ICFP will be offered through ICFP2022.org and theICFP.org