Protecting Women’s Health and Rights During COVID-19

Protecting Women’s Health and Rights During COVID-19

Originally Posted on Organisations and activists working on gender equality throughout the world have played an important role in responding to Covid-19.  This role has been threefold: as observers of the disproportionate impacts of the pandemic on...
Coronavirus puts women’s health at risk in the Philippines

Coronavirus puts women’s health at risk in the Philippines

By Dawn Macahilo. Originally posted on People in the Philippines never fail to provide a comic relief even in times like the coronavirus pandemic. Take for instance the parents of two newborns who named their respective offspring “Covid Bryant”...
Reimagining Delivery of Essential Health Care

Reimagining Delivery of Essential Health Care

By Koki Agarwal. Originally posted on   Director of MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership urges a renewed focus on decentralized, community-based, client-centered services With the prospect of delivering an effective COVID-19 vaccine ever changing,...