The Secretariat for the sixth International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) announced that the conference will now take place 8-11 November 2021 in Pattaya City, Thailand (originally to take place 1-4 February 2021) and will be co-hosted by the Bill & Melinda...
Building upon the “Beyond 2020” session at the 2018 ICFP, the Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health solicited powerful new ideas from across all sectors of the family planning community and beyond and invited presenters to share...
The Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health is proud to partner with Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health for the sixth International Conference on Family Planning, and delighted to announce the official theme of next year’s...
Last month, Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health Director and Director of the International Steering Committee for the International Conference on Family Planning was interviewed by NBT World’s Newsline Thailand anchor Cholaphansa...
Yesterday, the #ICFP2021 co-hosts held a press conference live from Bangkok, Thailand announcing Pattaya City as the location of the 2021 convening of global family planning and reproductive health professionals. Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and...
Building upon the “Beyond 2020” session at the 2018 ICFP, the Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health solicited powerful new ideas from across all sectors of the family planning community and beyond and invited presenters to share...