ICFP 2025 Call for Abstracts Now Open
ICFP 2025 is now accepting sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) research, program, and advocacy abstract submissions in English, French, and Spanish. See full details below.

Submission Deadline: 15 March 2025, 11:59 PM ET
Download the ICFP 2025 Abstract Submission Guidelines:
Individual Abstract Guidelines
Preformed Panel Abstract Guidelines
The 2025 International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP)—taking place 3–6 November 2025 in Bogotá, Colombia—invites abstracts in English, French, and Spanish presenting cutting-edge research, program, and advocacy results directed at enabling individuals throughout the world, especially in low-income areas, to achieve their contraceptive and reproductive intentions.
All abstracts, formatted as either individual and preformed panel submissions, are due by 15 March 2025 at 11:59 PM ET online through the official ICFP abstract portal here.
The overarching theme of the conference is “Equity Through Action: Advancing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for All.” In addition to the theme, those who plan to submit an abstract should consult the ICFP 2025 Conference Tracks and their descriptions to select the most relevant track for submission.
Abstracts using strong scientific/evaluation methods will be given priority in the review and acceptance process.
For detailed information on abstract requirements, evaluation criteria, and the submission process, please refer to the ICFP 2025 Abstract Submission Guidelines below!
ICFP 2025 Conference Tracks
Abstract submitters should refer to the ICFP 2025 Conference Tracks for abstract submission listed here, including the detailed description of the scope of each track.
All abstract submitters are requested to submit their abstracts to one track, and they are given an optional second track choice. They should submit to the overall track they deem most relevant.
Individual and Preformed Panel Abstract Submissions
Please see the ICFP 2025 Abstract Submission Guidelines for more information on inidividual and preformed panel abstract submissions.
Individual Abstracts:
Individual abstracts may address a) research findings, b) effective programs and best practices, or c) advocacy and accountability. Each should follow their respective outlines and word counts per section noted in the ICFP 2025 Abstract Submission Guidelines.
Individuals submitting abstracts should ensure they provide sufficient detail for external reviewers to evaluate their work. Abstracts should be submitted in English, French, or Spanish by 15 March 2025 online here.

*** Click Here to View the Outline for Abstracts
Abstract Outline and Word Counts
Research Abstract |
Program/Best Practice Abstract |
Advocacy and Accountability Abstract |
1. Significance/background (200 words max) 2. Main question/hypothesis (100 words max) 3. Methodology (location, study design, data source, time frame, sample size, analysis approach) (200 words max) 4. Results/key findings* (250 words max) 5. Knowledge contribution (250 words max) |
1. Significance/background (200 words max) 2. Program intervention/activity tested (100 words max) 3. Methodology (location, setting, data source, time frame, intended beneficiaries, participant size, evaluation approach) (200 words max) 4. Results/key findings* (250 words max) 5. Program implications/lessons (250 words max) |
1. Significance/background (200 words max) 2. Advocacy intervention/activity tested (100 words max) 3. Methodology (location, setting, data source, time frame, intended decision-maker, intended beneficiaries, participant size, advocacy approach) (200 words max) 4. Results/key findings* (250 words max) 5. Policy or program implications/lessons (250 words max) |
Preformed Panel Abstracts:
Preformed panels prove a distinct opportunity to tell a larger story than individual abstracts. Panels are comprised of 3-4 related presentations and should be developed with input from multiple individuals, organizations, and projects. Panels should add value to and be distinctive from sessions otherwise formed from individually submitted abstracts.
Track organizers and reviewers will assess preformed panels on the strength of their overall cohesion as well as the strength and interconnectedness of the individual presentations proposed for the panel. Therefore, panel submissions should include objectives for the overall panel presentation as well as study or program objectives for each individual presentation. If possible, panelists and moderators should be identified at the time of submission.
Preformed panels should be submitted in English, French, or Spanish by 15 March 15 2025 online here. While preformed panels can be presented in multiple languages, submissions should be in one language, to ensure all components are reviewed by the same review.
Evaluation Criteria
Please see the ICFP 2025 Abstract Submission Guidelines for more information about the evaluation criteria for individual and preformed panel abstract submissions.
Individual Abstract Submissions
Abstract submissions to research, program implementation, and advocacy are evaluated by the following criteria. Abstracts that are judged to have low relevance to the overall conference (i.e. are not sufficiently related to the family planning field) will not be reviewed.

*** Click Here to View the Full Evaluation Criteria
Research abstract |
Advocacy and Accountability abstract |
Program/Best Practice abstract |
Score: 1 (low) – 5 (high) |
ConferenceRelevance |
To what extent does the research align with the conference? |
To what extent does the research align with the conference? |
To what extent does the research align with the conference? |
Low/ Medium/ High |
TrackRelevance |
To what extent does the research align with the track? |
To what extent does the research align with the track? |
Does the program align with the conference theme and the focus of the track? |
1-5 |
Objectiveand Rationale |
Is there a clear objective to the research? Do the authors explain why this research question is important? |
Is the abstract associated with specific policy or funding results and/or impact? Does it focus on a particularly challenging or under-recognized advocacy issue? |
Are the objective(s) and rationale for the program clearly articulated? |
1-5 |
Methodology/Approach |
Is the methodology clearly presented and correct for the research question? Are there flaws in the study population, research design that would affect the results? |
Is the advocacy effort evidence based, evidence driven or evidence informed? Is it theory based? |
Is the program/project informed by data/evidence and/or a clear theory of change? |
1-5 |
Results/Key Findings |
Are the results/anticipated results clearly presented? Do they relate to the specific objectives? Are the conclusions based on the data? If results are not presented, is it clear that the authors will be able to meet the objectives with the methodology proposed? |
Are results quantified in relation to inputs and outputs and/or are immediate results correlated with quantified outcomes and impact (real or potential)? |
Are the effects of the program quantified? Are the lessons learned from the implementation and success or failure of the program clearly described? |
1-5 |
Implications/Sustainability |
Do the authors identify relevant policy, program, or research implications? |
Is the advocacy effort potentially sustainable (e.g. is cost-effective, easy to replicate) |
Is there discussion of scale, impact, sustainability, efficiency; local ownership and commitment |
1-5 |
Innovation |
Is the research contributing something new to the field? Is it a new research question or a question that has not been asked in the population before? |
Does this represent a first ever or unique collaboration? Does it use a new tool or approach? |
Is the program/project contributing something new to the field? Is it a new program/project or one that has not been implemented previously in this context/setting/population? |
1-5 |

Preformed Panel Abstract Submissions
Preformed panel submissions will be reviewed by track organizers and reviewers following the same criteria used for individual abstract submissions (as listed above and in the ICFP 2025 Abstract Submission Guidelines).
Additionally, preformed panels must consider the following:
- Preformed panels must include presenters from multiple organizations. Preformed panels submitted with presentations from one single organization will not be considered for the program
- Preformed panel submissions will be assessed as a unit and accepted or not accepted as a whole. It is the responsibility of the panel organizer to ensure that all submitted abstracts are independently strong, and that each abstract can be reviewed based on the evaluation criteria above. Panels that provide limited information and only include suggested speakers or topics will not be competitive.

Call for Abstract Reviewers
ICFP 2025 is seeking reviewers with training and/or experience in conducting research, program implementation, and/or advocacy efforts who can evaluate submitted abstracts for significance, methodological rigor, and appropriate findings and interpretation—in English, French, or Spanish.
Sign up by 1 March 2025 to lend your expertise to help ensure the continuation of an exceptional scientific program at ICFP.

Informational Webinars:
Navigating Abstract Submission for ICFP 2025
The ICFP 2025 Scientific Subcommittee invites you to watch the recordings of these Q&A webinars (in English, French, or Spanish) to equip yourself with the guidance and confidence needed to successfully submit your research, program, or advocacy abstract. Whether you’re new to conference submissions or looking to refine your approach, these sessions will provide you with practical tips and actionable insights. Watch at any time below! ↓
Webinar Hosted In English
This webinar was hosted on Tuesday, 28 January 2025.
Webinar Hosted In French
(En Français)
This webinar was hosted on Thursday, 30 January 2025.
Webinar Hosted In Spanish
(En Español)
This webinar was hosted on Wednesday, 29 January 2025.
How to Write an Abstract for ICFP
View the instructional videos and presentation slides below for tips from the ICFP 2025 Scientific Subcommittee on how to write a successful research, program, or advocacy abstract in English, French, or Spanish.
See the ICFP 2025 Abstract Submission Guidelines for additional information.
Next Steps
All abstract submitters will receive an email acknowledging receipt.
Individual Abstract Submissions
Track organizers will recommend acceptance of abstracts based on scores from two reviewers, and the ICFP 2025 Scientific Subcommittee will make final determination.
- Abstracts accepted for oral and poster presentation will be confirmed by 23 May 2025 and 13 June 2025, respectively.
- Authors/presenters will be asked to confirm their participation by 12 July 2025.

Preformed Panel Abstract Submissions
Track organizers will recommend acceptance of panels, and the ICFP 2025 Scientific Subcommittee will make the final determination.
- The panel organizer will be notified regarding panel decisions by 1 June 2025.
- Authors/presenters will be asked to confirm their participation by 14 June 2025.
In particular cases, if a panel is not accepted but track organizers find one or two of the abstracts in the panel can make substantial contribution to the conference, they will contact the panel organizer to extend an invitation for individual presentations.
Ready to Get Started?
Don’t miss this opportunity to contribute to the global progress advancing SRHR for all at ICFP 2025 taking place 3–6 November 2025 in Bogotá, Colombia! Submit an abstract in English, French, or Spanish using the ICFP 2025 Abstract Submission Guidelines. Or, sign up to be an abstract reviewer here.
Submit All Abstracts by: 15 March 2025
Sign Up to Be an Abstract Reviewer by: 1 March 2025
Spread the Word
Save these graphics (in English, French, and Spanish) to share this opportunity with your networks—including researchers, practitioners, policymakers, advocates, and youth leaders—letting them know that the ICFP 2025 Call for Abstracts is open now through 15 March 2025.
Conference Travel Support
Limited travel support is available for ICFP 2025. Only individuals whose abstracts are selected for oral presentation will be eligible to apply. Priority will be given to junior researchers under 35 years of age (by 3 November 2025) from developing countries. Travel support application invitations will be provided with abstract acceptance notification by 23 May 2025.
For more information, please contact: abstracts@theicfp.org