Scientific Subcommittee
Community FAQ
What do you do?
The ICFP is demonstrating through action the idea originally set forth in the conceptualization of the conference – to become a platform driven by the community.
As ICFP (and the world) moves towards the production of more virtual and hybrid events, we have taken this opportunity to think creatively about ways to engage and bridge our non-traditional audiences, media, and press.
Who is involved?
This year, ICFP refined its approach to engaging with high-profile figures across the global FP community and the global health community as a whole. Through coordination with existing partners and a comprehensive landscape assessment of the FP field, ICFP curated a detailed list of influencers to connect with on key FP messaging.
Join the subcommittee
Get in touch
For more information about the ICFP Scientific Subcommittee, please contact the ICFP Secretariat at
About the ICFP Scientific Subcommittee

ICFP 2022 highlighted a wide array of abstracts showcasing highlights in research, program, and advocacy efforts
A record-breaking 3,100+ abstracts were submitted for ICFP2022, illustrating a growing global interest in family planning and the many ways it promotes human and planetary health, improves education and builds strong economies.
This year’s scientific program represents the strongest body of new family planning research presented at an ICFP yet, featuring more than 200 scientific sessions across oral and flash sessions and 6 poster sessions across 16 tracks covering a wide diversity of research, program and advocacy topics.
The scientific program included 16 conference tracks to which people submitted abstracts – and an additional track of invited speakers and sessions.
Scientific Subcommittee Video Highlight
WHO ICFP Scientific Writing, Mentoring and Coaching Workshop Program
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) organized the Scientific Writing, Mentoring and Coaching Course with training and mentoring sessions for scientists at the early stages of their careers from 14 November 2022 to 17 November 2022 during ICFP2022 in Pattaya City, Thailand. You can now watch all session recordings in English and French below.