ICFP News & Insights

The Future of Family Planning Convening & ICFP 2021

Feb 20, 2020

Building upon the “Beyond 2020” session at the 2018 ICFP, the Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health solicited powerful new ideas from across all sectors of the family planning community and beyond and invited presenters to share their ideas at the Future of Family Planning Convening.

This two-day gathering brought together key researchers, advocates, donors, private sector, youth leaders, and policy-makers to explore ways to catalyze progress toward realizing universal access to rights-based family planning by 2030.

These opportunities and events will initiate a movement that will mobilize the global family planning community, donors and the private sector to achieve our shared vision of realizing universal access by 2030. As recommended during the “Beyond 2020” session at the 2018 ICFP, for family planning programs to attain their objectives beyond what has been achieved thus far, novel approaches are needed, and a global family planning social movement is required to support existing collaboration and partnerships.

The findings from this convening were released in a report during a signature session on family planning at the Nairobi Summit in honor of ICPD25. A digital version is also available.

There will be a special “innovative ideas” session(s) at ICFP 2021 featuring ideas coming out of this convening, including a session featuring the winners of the Future of Family Planning Thought Leadership Award winnersCongratulations to all our winners – we look forward to seeing you in Pattaya City, Thailand!

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