In commemoration of World Population Day on July 11, GI is hosting a webinar to launch the Demographic Dividend Effort Index (DDEI). The webinar will take place on Friday July 9, 2021 at 9 AM ET.

This year’s theme is “rights and choices are the answer: whether baby boom or bust, the solution lies in prioritizing the reproductive health and rights of all people.” The pandemic has compromised health care systems particularly in the area of sexual and reproductive health. While those with access to sexual and reproductive health services historically delay childbearing in times of fiscal uncertainty or crisis, disruptions in supply of contraceptives in combination with lockdowns are predicted to result in a sharp rise in unplanned pregnancies for the most vulnerable.

The panelists, including a representative from IBEAWUCHI Charity, Dagnachew Amberbir, latif Dramani, and Nazir Yusuph, will discuss key DDEI report findings from six countries, its relation to WPD 2021’s theme, and lessons learned from pilot countries.

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