Broadcasting Live from Pattaya City, Thailand at ICFP2022


Broadcasting Live from Pattaya City, Thailand at ICFP2022

Abortion rights in the aftermath of Roe v. Wade

16 NOVEMBER 2002
2:30pm (GMT+7)

Following the Standing up for abortion rights” panel, panelists and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) experts will be available to meet journalists to answer pressing questions on protecting and advancing SRHR in a world of growing anti-choice opposition and extremism. 

Explore ICFP LIVE’s On-Demand Catalogue

Red Carpet Celebration

Nationalist pressure on reproductive rights

Primetime Opener (11/15)

Treasure Your Pleasure & The Pleasure Principles

Treasure Your Pleasure & The Pleasure Principles

Family Planning Partnerships – The whole is greater than the sum of its parts

FPNN Community & Commitments Opening

Sex education in the 21st century – what needs to change?

Real Stories, Real Voices: The Moth

ICFP2022 Closing Ceremony: Making Our Mark

Climate and Reproductive Justice: Connections & Commitments

Climate shocks, seasonal migration, and sexual and reproductive health

Family Planning Service Provision in Mali: How is the Private Sector Stepping Up?

Trailblazer News with the ICFP 2022 Trailblazer

The Right Choice: Fortified Commitments to Rights-Based Family Planning

Opening Plenary: Family Planning + Universal Health Coverage


Bayer Lunch Symposium: The Power of Partnerships

Bayer Lunch Symposium: The Power of Partnerships

Tackling Taboos: Talking about the most commonly avoided Sexuality and SRHR topics

120 Under 40: The New Generation of Family Planning Leaders

Advocacy through Art: Visualizing Her Promise, Our Purpose