The Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW)
ICFP2022 Sponsor
Events at ICFP
Adolescents and Youth in all their Diversity for Inclusive Contraception and Safe Abortion Information and Services within Universal Health Coverage: An Asian Action Agenda
Date: 15 November 2022
Time: 7:00 – 9:00 PM
Location: TBA
Exhibition Booth
Date: 14 – 17 November 2022
Location: Booth #60

Sexual and reproductive rights are integral to women and young people, in all their diversity, achieving substantial equality in society is core to ARROW’s core. In many countries in the region, the roll-back with women’s rights has specifically been on the issues which affect their sexual and reproductive rights – early marriage, female circumcision, access to contraceptive and safe abortion services, sexual violence, and right to sexuality. The sexual and reproductive rights of women are contested on the grounds of cultural, religious, traditional, and nationalist arguments. At the same time government have signed on to human rights conventions, treaties, and conferences such as the ICPD Programme of Action and the 2030 agenda for sustainable development, which upholds universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights including access to contraception. Through various initiatives including monitoring implementation of the ICPD, Beijing and SDG frameworks, research, grounded work in the countries through initiatives such as the Right Here Right Now2, The Right to Safe Abortion, , capacity strengthening , advocacy and information and communication actions ARROW aims to further universal access to SRHR including universal access to contraception. Our vision is to enable women and girls to freely decide on matters of sexuality and reproduction, and have the right to consent and to a life free from all forms of violence and exercise control over the choices and decisions around sexuality and sexual and reproductive health and rights. Understanding fully well that issues of bodily integrity and autonomy are interlinked, ARROW also looks at the intersectionality of gender with issues, including poverty, food security and sovereignty, climate change, disability, conflict, and religion.
Video Spotlight
Featured Content
ARROW for Change: The Right to Sexuality
This publication analyses the links between the right to sexuality and bodily autonomy and integrity, and discusses current perspectives on the right to sexuality in the region, drawing attention to the intersectionalities between the right to sexuality and issues such as class, age, ethnicity, and disability.
Asia-Pacific Regional Youth Call To Action
From 19-21 March 2022, 600 young people from 33 countries in Asia and the Pacific came together to discuss, share ideas and collectively develop a Regional Youth Call to Action at the APFSD Youth Forum and Regional ECOSOC Youth Forum.