Breakthrough ACTION + RESEARCH
ICFP2022 Sponsor
Social and Behavior Change for Family Planning Resources
The Social and Behavior Change for Family Planning Resource Collection showcases over 120 social and behavior change (SBC) for family planning resources for planners, implementers, and donors to inform innovative, evidence-based, and impactful interventions. This interactive collection enables users to tailor their search to find resources on:
– Making the case for SBC
– Service delivery and provider behavior change
– Meeting the needs of youth
– Male engagement
– Integrated programming
– SBC approaches
– Equity, gender, and social systems
– Measurement and costing
Strengthening Social and Behavior Change Monitoring and Evaluation for Family Planning in Francophone West Africa
The Strengthening Social and Behavior Change Monitoring and Evaluation for Family Planning in Francophone West Africa resource page highlights available technical reports, briefs, indicator reference sheets, and other key resources for family planning programmers, researchers, and donors to use to better understand the family planning and social and behavior change (SBC) measurement landscape in francophone West Africa and, ultimately, contribute to improving SBC) measures. Use these resources to determine how you can start incorporating SBC approaches and measuring SBC efforts in your voluntary family planning programming.
Breakthrough ACTION + RESEARCH Head to ICFP 2022
Get more information about our presentations, side event, and resources we will be highlighting during ICFP 2022.

Breakthrough ACTION + RESEARCH forges, tests, and scales up new and hybrid approaches to social and behavior change (SBC) programming and evidence generation to support individuals and couples in achieving their reproductive intentions. The projects have produced a treasure trove of guidance, tools, evidence, and data to support SBC for family planning, and have put these into action to make the case for investing in SBC for family planning and to improve family planning outcomes in over 15 countries.
Featured Content
Elevating Social and Behavior Change as an Essential Component of Family Planning Programs
While social and behavior change (SBC) plays an essential role—backed by almost 50 years of data—it is often underutilized. In a newly-published commentary in Studies in Family Planning, USAID and Breakthrough ACTION make a clear case and a clarion call for more intentionally integrating and funding proven SBC approaches into FP programs.
The Business Case for Investing in Social and Behavior Change for Family Planning
This business case uses an evidence-based approach to address this imbalance by answering questions about the effectiveness, cost, cost-effectiveness, and return on investment of SBC.