Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF)
ICFP2022 Sponsor
Key Links & Information
CIFF aims to support partners who deliver high quality, equitable and gender transformative SRH programming at scale.
CIFF is committed to championing the demographic dividend. Many challenges facing society start with the unequal status of women which is sustained through deep-rooted, regressive norms.

CIFF supports our grantee partners and governments to deliver high quality, equitable and gender transformative family planning programming at scale. We aim to make bold investments to increase choices across sexual and reproductive healthcare, to de-medicalise family planning and support self-managed care, and to champion reproductive rights including access to safe abortion care and to HIV prevention. Through the Girl Capital strategy in Africa and India, CIFF invests in the integrated needs of girls as they enter adulthood, incorporating education and livelihoods alongside SRH interventions.
Events at ICFP2022
Argument for Integration:
the Girl Capital Approach
Hosted by CIFF and partners
Tuesday 15 November 2022
7.00 PM – 8.30 PM
Pattaya 4
SDG Impact Investing Fund
Posted in partnership with UNFPA and Triggerise
Wednesday 16 November 2022
7.00pm – 8.30pm
Pattaya 3
Advancing Youth SRHR Activism through the Generation Equality Forum
Hosted in partnership with the Action Coalition on Bodily Autonomy and SRHR, Fos Feminista and the Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights
Wednesday 16 November 2022
7.30pm – 9.00pm
Pattaya 7
Featured Content
In Their Hands Development Impact Bond
This case study reflects on the experience of the ‘In Their Hands’ (ITH) project, the world’s first Development Impact Bond (DIB) with a focus on adolescent sexual and reproductive health. Representatives from the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF), the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), Triggerise and KOIS were interviewed between February and March 2022.
Leaders must champion ‘self-care’ in bid to improve African women’s health
Self-care is here to stay as a model of sexual and reproductive healthcare and a way to promote gender equality.