The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
ICFP2022 Core Organizing Group
Key Links & Information
The Quality Innovation Challenge
The Quality Innovation Challenge supports visionary and youth-led innovators, providers, advocates, and researchers who are courageous in their pursuit to advance everyone’s right to quality sexual and reproductive health care. The Packard Foundation has supported the Quality Innovation grant making challenge in the past three ICFP meetings and has sourced 27 innovations. Click on the link below for more information about the projects implemented by current and past awardees.
Reproductive Health Grantmaking
Supporting every individual’s right to live with dignity and have autonomy over their body and life.

The Packard Foundation’s Reproductive Health program supports organizations that focus on improving the quality of and expanding access to voluntary contraception, comprehensive sexuality education, and abortion care by strengthening service delivery, building leadership and advocacy capacity, and shifting social and cultural norms to allow women and youth to make their own reproductive health care decisions. We aim to forge partnerships with global research and advocacy organizations, especially networks led by youth, to create positive and effective messages about reproductive health and rights at the regional and global levels.
News & Updates:
The Quality Innovation Challenge
The fourth Quality Innovation Challenge (QIC) will be launched on 26 September, 2022 to coincide with the International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) in Pattaya, Thailand in November 2022. QIC supports visionary innovators, providers, advocates, and researchers who are courageous in their pursuit to advance everyone’s right to quality sexual and reproductive healthcare.
The 2022 Quality Innovation Challenge is an open grant submission process to solicit creative ideas that advance quality reproductive and sexual healthcare with a gender equity lens. Access to quality sexual and reproductive healthcare is a fundamental right for all individuals, no matter where they live in the world. The Packard Foundation anticipates funding 10 grants of up to $100,000 each from registered conference participants. LEARN MORE >>
Video Spotlight
Featured Content
Young People Know What Is Right for Them
An article on youth from 2018 by Susan Packard Orr, Chair of the Board of Directors of the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.
Quality: A Litmus Test for Progress on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
A blog post by Tamara Kreinin and Suzanne Ehlers.