Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health (PMNCH)
ICFP2022 Sponsor
Key Links & Information
Self-care Practices & COVID-19 Videos:
To promote self-care practices around essential sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health issues during the COVID-19 pandemic, PMNCH partnered with WHO and other UN partner agencies to develop a series of short animated videos to promote healthy behaviours during the pandemic. These videos help translate the latest WHO guidance on self-care practices for women, children, adolescents and their families about critical issues arising in the context of COVID-19.
SRHR & COVID-19 Toolkit:
PMNCH has produced a toolkit on ‘Sexual and reproductive health and rights in COVID-19’ as part of its Toolkits Series on COVID-19 and Women, Children and Adolescent Health. This toolkit aims to provide access to relevant guidance, tools and resources that can be useful to respond to and advocate for sexual and reproductive health and rights during these times with a view of providing action-oriented, user-friendly and policy-relevant information packages.
Disclaimer: In line with PMNCH’s COVID-19 publication policy, we include only resources aligned with WHO guidelines and recommendations in the toolkit.

PMNCH, through its partners, drives effective evidence-based advocacy to uphold people’s rights to essential sexual and reproductive health interventions, including family planning. This is done through developing coordinated and integrated advocacy campaigns to strengthen political commitment, policies, and investment for the full spectrum of SRHR interventions. PMNCH has supported partners by launching a Call to Action to include SRHR in national UHC packages and has successfully lobbied for the explicit inclusion of SRHR language in global policy documents. PMNCH also supported a special issue of Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters focused on SRHR in UHC from a rights perspective.
Video Spotlight
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Events at ICFP2022:
Youth pre-conference – “Leaders of the Present and the Future: What Youth Want”