Population Council
ICFP2022 Sponsor
Key Links & Information
Learnings from the Evidence Project:
This series highlights key lessons from seven years of implementation science to improve family planning programs, policies, and practices. It features briefs focused on: expanding access and method choice; innovations in measurement and methods to predict service uptake; and reaching new and underserved populations. Through close collaboration with government and implementing partners, these learnings offer important insights for strengthening evidence-based investments in family planning at national, regional, and global levels.
GIRL Center:
The Girl, Innovation, Research, and Learning (GIRL) Center is a global research center that generates, synthesizes, and translates evidence to transform the lives of adolescent girls. Through rigorous research about what works – and what doesn’t – we can better direct limited resources to support evidence-based solutions that improve girls’ lives.
Studies in Family Planning:
Studies in Family Planning is a peer-reviewed, international journal publishing public health, social science, and biomedical research on sexual and reproductive health, fertility, and family planning, with a primary focus on low- and middle-income countries. Published quarterly, each issue of this Population Council journal contains original research articles, reports, commentaries, data articles, and book reviews.

The Population Council works to ensure the reproductive health and rights of all people are respected, protected, and enhanced.
For more than 65 years, the Council has contributed to advancing high-quality, rights-based family planning services, expanding contraceptive choices, and enhancing gender equality.
The Council has developed and licensed some of the most widely used contraceptive methods in the world, and more than 170 million women worldwide are currently using a highly effective contraceptive developed by the Council or based on our technology.
Video Spotlight
Featured Content
Addressing contraceptive needs exacerbated by COVID-19
In a recent commentary in the journal Contraception, leaders from across the Population Council’s social science and biomedical research teams come together to call for further expansion of contraceptive choice and access to self-managed methods in light of challenges exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Strengthening Social and Behavior Change Monitoring and Evaluation for Family Planning in Francophone West Africa
A collection of resources, available in English and French, provide 12 priority indicators and actionable recommendations for improving social and behavior change (SBC) components of family planning programs in Francophone West Africa. These resources were developed through the USAID-funded Breakthrough RESEARCH project, which conducted a mapping of FP investments, technical approaches, and indicators across multiple countries in the region, including Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Niger, and Togo, to better understand the FP landscape in the region and contribute to improving SBC measures.