ICFP2022 Core Organizing Group
Key Links & Information
USAID Work on Family Planning and Reproductive Health:
Family Planning Financing Roadmap
This is a resource for those working on family planning (FP) issues in developing countries, designed for anyone regardless of how little knowledge of health financing topics they begin with. It is comprised of several sections, most excitingly the interactive roadmap and resource library.
Interactive Roadmap Tool
The interactive roadmap is a tool that enables users to select their country of interest and learn about tailored, contextualized recommendations on potential family planning (FP) financing options for the country. Users click through several screens to characterize the current family planning situation, macroeconomic environment, health financing environment, health reforms, and FP financing environment, reviewing pre-loaded quantitative and categorical information. They are also able to input their own updated data along each step.
Resource Library
The Resource Library houses a myriad of health financing documents. These resources range from national health financing policies to analyses of Costed Implementation Plans, covering topics such as health insurance, strategic purchasing, and Universal health coverage. Furthermore, they represent countries across the globe, and many are available in both French and English.

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has advanced and supported voluntary family planning and reproductive health programs in nearly 40 countries across the globe for nearly 60 years.
We are the world’s largest bilateral donor of family planning assistance, investing in and improving supply chains; service delivery; research and development, and increased method choice; policy, advocacy, financing, and governance; innovations in social and behavior change, research uptake and utilization; and more. Voluntarism and informed choice are guiding principles of our program.
USAID is committed to helping countries meet the family planning and reproductive health needs of their people.
Events at ICFP2022:
Resetting the Pace: Expanding and Deepening Family Planning Advocacy and Accountability in the New Decade of Progress
ICFP2022 Post-Conference Event
November 18, 2022
07:30AM – 04:00 PM
Pattaya City, Thailand
More information to come.
Video Spotlight
Featured Content
USAID’S Investments in Family Planning are Investments in People
Learn more about USAID’s investments in family planning and reproductive health.
Broadcasting for Change
USAID’s ongoing partnership with journalists in Madagascar is increasing community awareness of expanded family planning access.