ICFP2022 Sponsor
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Our focus on sexual and reproductive health and rights enables marginalised people and communities to access quality, accessible, appropriate, and accountable family planning services in some of the world’s poorest regions.
To achieve this, VSO volunteers increase family planning service knowledge by working directly with service users in Africa and Asia. They empower people to hold health systems to account and ensure their needs are met, and they enable health workers to deliver more efficient, inclusive, and resilient services.
Improving health and wellbeing in this way is a cornerstone of VSO’s aim to create a fair world for everyone.
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Inclusive Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
Over the last three years, we have empowered over 250,000 of the most marginalised and excluded people – including girls, adolescents, people with disabilities, people living with HIV and prison populations – to access sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services and achieve their SRH rights for the first time.