Ashley Wolfington

Ashley Wolfington is the Deputy Project Director for Family Planning and Reproductive Health for PROPEL Adapt. She has over 15 years of experience in humanitarian response and international development, focused on ensuring uninterrupted access to sexual and reproductive health services for people affected by crises. Ms. Wolfington has held senior technical and programmatic roles at International Planned Parenthood Federation, ICAP, and the International Rescue Committee, where she led the organization’s global reproductive health team. She has authored technical reports and advocacy statements and contributed to the 2018 revision of the Interagency Field Manual (IAFM) and the inclusion of family planning as a pillar in the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP). Ms. Wolfington has a master’s in public health from Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, and an undergraduate degree in Political Science from Duke University. She speaks French and has worked extensively in fragile and crisis-affected countries, including the Democratic Republic of Congo, Chad, Pakistan, Myanmar, Cote d’Ivoire, and Uganda.