Nihal Said

With over a decade of experience in humanitarian and development settings, Nihal’s expertise spans country-level and regional interventions focusing on youth, gender, sexual and reproductive health, and assessments of refugee and migrant populations. Holding a Bachelor of Science degree in Statistics from Cairo University and a Master’s degree in Communication and Development Studies from Ohio University, along with a graduate certificate in Women and Gender Studies, Nihal brings a multidisciplinary approach to her work.

Throughout her career, Nihal’s professional and academic interests have centred on research, SBCC, humanitarian action, community engagement, and addressing gender and youth issues in the Middle East and Africa. She has authored numerous published articles, research studies, and journal articles covering diverse topics such as combating sexual violence against vulnerable children, addressing street sexual harassment through communication efforts, and exploring media consumption and political knowledge gaps in populations.

In her current role as the Senior Technical Advisor for Research and Partnerships, Nihal manages impactful research projects on emerging sexual and reproductive health (SRH) priorities with various stakeholders, including IPPF Member Associations, UN agencies, research institutions, and private foundations. In addition, Nihal supports the development of programmatic input to IPPF’s strategic partnerships and advocacy efforts. In addition through her partnerships and research roles, Nihal brings unique perspectives on decolonising research and challenging power dynamics in knowledge generation. Specifically, Nihal advocates for genuine research partnerships with IPPF MAs in knowledge generation endeavours, moving beyond implementation to collaborative co-creation.