Broadcasting from
the ICFP Plenary Stage

Broadcasting from
the ICFP LIVE Stage

ICFP2022 Closing Ceremony: Making Our Mark

17 November 2022 | 13:30 (GMT+7)

The ICFP closing ceremony will highlight key moments from the 2022 International Conference on Family Planning, recognize participant achievements, and inspire attendees with energy and vision for the future of family planning.

Join us as we recognize the ICFP2022 top poster presentations, finalists for the Packard Quality Innovation Challenge and the winners of the Excellence in Leadership for Family Planning (EXCELL) Awards.  

Broadway star Jamila Sabares-Klemm will perform her original song to honor those who have passed away since the 2018 ICFP in a Celebration of Life. And, in true ICFP fashion, the conference will conclude with an inspirational performance to show us that another world is possible. 


Tlaleng Mofokeng
United Nations Special Rapporteur On The Right Of Everyone To The Enjoyment Of The Highest Attainable Standard Of Physical And Mental Health, Medical Doctor, Bestselling Author, And Broadcaster
Jose “Oying” Rimon II
Chair, International Steering Committee ICFP 2022Director, Bill & Melinda Gates Institute For Population And Reproductive Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School Of Public Health
Ellen MacKenzie
DeanJohns Hopkins Bloomberg School Of Public Health
Lana Dakan
Deputy Director For Reproductive HealthThe David And Lucile Packard Foundation
Jamila Sabares-Klemm
Broadway Star And Recording Artist – In Memoriam Celebration Of Life
William Otuck
Musical Artist, SRHR AdvocateManaging Director For The Young And Alive Initiative (YAAI)
Trevor Arnett
Communications AssociateGlobal Early Adolescent Study And Musician
Sophia Angelica
Latin Singer-Songwriter, Creative Activist, & Artistic DirectorYouth For Human Rights International & Rybin Talent


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ICFP LIVE is an initiative designed to create an on-site and virtual experience for an estimated 50,000+ community members from around the globe. Located in the ICFP2022 Exhibition Hall, the LIVE stage features short, partner-driven sessions that can be viewed by conference attendees regardless if they are in Pattaya City or participating virtually.
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