
ICFP subcommittee and community dedicated to engaging faith actors committed to interfaith action and collaboration with the global health and family planning community

Community FAQ

What do you do?

In light of the powerful influence of faith, faith leaders and the far reach of faith-based health providers, the faith community must be involved in family planning to achieve universal access.

Over 90 percent of people in countries with an unmet need for family planning consider religion a very important part of who they are. Therefore, it’s absolutely necessary that these communities are able to see that family planning is consistent with their faith values and supports healthy families.

Who is involved?
The subcommittee includes faith actors committed to interfaith action and collaboration with the global health and family planning community in order to increase understanding and build bridges between different stakeholders to ensure a greater and more significant impact, leading to healthier mothers, babies and families.
Join the subcommittee
Get in touch

For more information about the ICFP Faith Subcommittee, please contact Mona at

About the ICFP Faith Subcommittee

The Faith Community Is Key to Universal Access to Family Planning

The Faith Subcommittee formed before the 2016 ICFP in Indonesia to bring together representatives from a variety of faith traditions to share best practices in faith-based involvement in FP, lift up the work of FBOs in family planning to dispel harmful myths and misperceptions, and encourage partnership among FBOs and the broader global health community.

Faith-based health providers are major health care providers around the world. In 2015, The Lancet explored the reach and quality of faith-based health providers, which provide 20 to 70 percent of medical care in Sub-Saharan Africa. According to the Lancet series, evidence indicates that the faith-based providers give care without prejudice to people of all faiths and the populations they serve have a high opinion of the care they receive.

ICFP 2025 Faith Co-Chairs

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Religious communities and youth engagement around family planning

Religious communities and youth engagement around family planning

Adapter les activités de planification familiale à l’heure du COVID-19

Adapter les activités de planification familiale à l’heure du COVID-19

Adapting Family Planning Activities in the time of COVID-19

Adapting Family Planning Activities in the time of COVID-19

Faith Video Highlight

Faith & FP: Examples from Kenya, Tchad, Niger and Somalia

Discover Faith sessions at ICFP2022 below.

ICFP Faith Photo Highlights

Strengthening Partnership with Faith Actors in Family Planning: A Strategic Planning Guide

This guide is intended to lead program planners and decision-makers through a strategic process to engage and strengthen partnership with faith actors in family planning. The guide was developed through consultation with technical experts* and builds on guidance from key resources noted in the guide. The key actions in this SPG will enable a variety of stakeholders to engage in a joint effort to identify and develop approaches to collaborate more effectively, openly, and transparently on family planning, as best fits each partnership’s context.

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