Private Sector
The ICFP subcommittee and community dedicated to fostering engagement with non-state actors to meet evolving global family planning needs
Community FAQ
What do you do?
The Private Sector Subcommittee’s overall goal is to increase the strategic visibility and participation of the private sector, through advanced planning of events and efforts at ICFP and beyond.
Who is involved?
ICFP is fortunate enough to have the support and expertise of a wide range of leaders, advocates, young people, and artists to keep family planning at the center of the conversation on health and rights.
Examples of organizations the Private Sector Subcommittee seeks to engage include midwifery associations, independent social enterprises and clinics, as well as private health insurance providers and employer groups.
Organizations represented on the subcommittee:
Abt Associates, Avenir Health, Bayer, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Institute, CARE, CHAI, Commission of Gender Equality (South Africa), Danish Family Planning Association, Female Health Company, FHI360, FP2020, Global Affairs Canada, Healthy Reform Foundation of Nigeria, Incepta Pharmaceuticals (Bangladesh), India Health Action Trust, Institute of Business Management (Pakistan), Institute for Social and Youth Development (Pakistan), IntraHealth, IPPF, Jhpiego, John Snow Incorporated, Knit Together Initiative (Nigeria), Love Matters India, Marie Stopes International, Medicines360, Ministry of Health, Kisumu West (Kenya), Palladium, PATH, Pathfinder International, Pfizer, Population Council, Population Services International, PT Tunggal, Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition (RHSC), SERAC Bangladesh, Social Marketing Company SMC (Bangladesh), UNFPA, UN Foundation, USAID, WCG Cares, The William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan (WDI), Y Coalition.
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Subcommittee membership is required for participation in the ICFP International Steering Committee.
Get in touch
For more information about the ICFP Private Sector Subcommittee, please contact the ICFP Secretariat at
About the ICFP Private Sector Subcommittee

Bridging Private Sector Expertise with Global Health Improvements
The private sector – in relation to family planning (FP) – is defined as non-state market actors with direct, supporting, or enabling functions aimed at increasing access, availability and use of FP products and services. These include a wide range of actors: commercial for-profit, faith-based, and non-profit; US-based, local and international; formal and informal sectors, including traditional and community health providers.
While this a relatively broad definition, the commercial for-profit, and health provider segments (outside of faith-based and non-profit / SMO) as well as other actors noted above would benefit from more clear inclusion and valuation associated with their role in the FP equation.
The Private Sector Subcommittee was formally established in January 2020 with the goal of planning and generating activities to increase the strategic visibility and engagement of the private sector at ICFP.
The work of this subcommittee is important as forecasts of stagnating (or declining) donor funding for family planning raises concerns about the future and triggers more focus on the private sector’s ability to meet users’ needs. While the topic of sexual and reproductive health is highly visible and demand is growing, there is a need to mobilize private sector resources and participation.
Historical participation of large innovator manufacturers and social marketing organizations at ICFP is well-recognized and valued. This subcommittee strives to engage with those actors as well as additional segments of the private sector, to increase the reach to organizations that play a significant and growing role in enabling and providing family planning related services and products.
Private Sector Video Highlight
The Private Sector and Digital Health Solutions
Expanding Access to Quality Family Planning/Reproductive Health
The ICFP Private Sector Subcommittee organized an ICFP 2022 pre-conference on the role of the private sector and digital health in expanding access to quality FP information, products, and services.
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