Program Implementation
ICFP subcommittee dedicated to collaborating and learning about innovative approaches, tools, and resources to support stronger family planning and reproductive health programs.
Community FAQ
What do you do?
Through a highly interactive track created by a diverse group of implementers, the subcommittee will highlight the critical linkages between diverse groups of experts and advocates in strengthening family planning programs and improving equity and access to family planning information and services.
Who is involved?
Current membership includes WHO/IBP Network executive leadership, IBP Network members, ICFP2022 Youth Trailblazers, WHO/IBP Global Fellows, stakeholders from civil society organizations, government, and researchers, who bring a wealth of experience to multiple aspects of family planning programming.
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Get in touch
For more information about the ICFP IBP Track Program Implementation Subcommittee, please contact the ICFP Secretariat at
About the ICFP Program Implementation subcommittee

Highlighting the Critical Linkages Between Experts, Researchers, and Advocates
The ICFP IBP Track Program Implementation subcommittee aims to complement other subcommittees and scientific tracks, and highlight experiential learning of diverse groups of stakeholders. Objectives include:
- Engage partners, governments, practitioners, scientists, youth-led organizations and activists from across the regions and sectors
- Create an equitable collaborative space where different experiences, languages and geographies are represented
Create space and opportunities to exchange experiences on ‘what works’ and ‘what doesn’t work’ and how they can apply to different contexts - Encourage long-standing and new partners to push the boundaries and work with countries to achieve their vision of sustainable development – and UHC in particular – by investing in family planning, and supporting resilient health systems and services
Program Implementation Video Highlight
Program Implementation at the Not Without FP Forum
The Program Implementation Community Session focused on how high impact practices in family planning are being implemented in countries. Virtual roundtables (held in English and French) provide opportunity for in-depth discussions on what’s working and why or why not. Participants had the opportunity to share examples of implementation on the ground, success and challenges faced including COVID-19, and recommendations and tips for scaling up and other implementers.
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