Yellow Fever Vaccination Reminder

As of 1 July 2022: Yellow Fever Vaccination Requirement Required for residents of, and those traveling through, certain countries to enter Thailand.   As a reminder, Thailand requires proof of yellow fever vaccination from or through certain countries prior to...

REVISED ICFP2022 Shuttle Schedule Out Now

SEE FULL ATTENDANCE LOGISTICS PAGE Updated as of 10 November 2022: The hotels that are confirmed as official conference hotels are also those for which transportation will be provided to and from Suvarnabhumi Airport – Bangkok (BKK) as well as to and from the Pattaya...

Complete the Required COVID-19 Vaccine Verification Process

ALL in-person attendees for the 2022 ICFP are required to complete the COVID-19 Vaccination Verification Process We strongly encourage all registered ICFP2022 delegates complete this process (via CrowdPass) AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Completing this process only takes a few...

#ICFP2022 Welcome Message

The event of the year is almost here! In just six days, we will all meet in Pattaya City, Thailand for the 2022 International Conference on Family Planning —ready to innovate, collaborate, and accelerate towards universal access to family planning for all.  This...

SRHR in Ethiopia: Gains and Reflections Over the Past Two Decades

GUEST COLUMN: The David and Lucile Packard Foundation by Lisa M. DeMaria , Kimberly V. Smith, and Yemane Berhane In 2013, after a successful launch of FP2020 (now FP2030), ICFP celebrated the progress made toward achieving “Full Access, Full Choice” in Addis Ababa,...