Demographic Dividend

The ICFP subcommittee and community dedicated to moving policy and advocacy efforts around the demographic dividend  forward

Community FAQ

What do you do?

The Demographic Dividend (DD) Subcommittee equips ICFP attendees with the information and skills needed to effectively move policy and advocacy efforts around the DD agenda forward.

Additionally, the subcommittee identifies existing gaps in important and emerging DD interventions and ensures they are highlighted throughout the conference, in collaboration with the Scientific Subcommittee.

Who is involved?

ICFP is fortunate enough to have the support and expertise of a wide range of leaders, advocates, young people, and artists to keep family planning at the center of the conversation on health and rights.

The DD Subcommittee continues to expand its members, partners, and supporters. Current collaborators includ the William H. Gates Sr. Institute, Population Reference Bureau, and Makerere University.

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Subcommittee membership is required for participation in the ICFP International Steering Committee.


Get in touch

For more information about the ICFP Demographic Dividend Subcommittee, please contact Carolina Cardona, ICFP Demographic Dividend Co-Chair [].

About the ICFP Demographic Dividend Subcommittee

The Demographic Dividend Offers a Framework for Accelerated Economic Growth

The Demographic Dividend (DD) is the boost in economic growth that can result from changes in a country’s population age structure. As fertility rates decrease, a country’s working-age population grows larger relative to the young dependent population. With more people in the labor force and fewer children to support, a country has a window of opportunity for rapid economic growth if the right social and economic investments and policies are made in health, education, governance, and the economy.

The Demographic Dividend Subcommittee equips ICFP attendees with the information and skills needed to effectively move policy and advocacy efforts around the DD agenda forward.

The subcommittee’s efforts highlight the imperative role of investments in, and commitments to, family planning to promote demographic transition and, ultimately, the potential economic benefits of a DD.

The subcommittee’s mission is to guide policymakers across multiple sectors as they develop strategies to achieve the DD and increase local commitment to harnessing the DD through support to advocates, programmers, and researchers.

The DD Subcommittee’s vision is that investments that empower women and couples to have the number of children they desire through voluntary family planning are universally viewed as foundational to social and economic development.

ICFP 2025 Demographic Dividend Co-Chairs

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DD News

Realizing the Demographic Dividend in Sub-Saharan Africa

Realizing the Demographic Dividend in Sub-Saharan Africa

Gates Institute Launches the Demographic Dividend Effort Index (DDEI)

Gates Institute Launches the Demographic Dividend Effort Index (DDEI)

Demographic Dividend Video Highlight

Population Age Structure Changes in Sub-Saharan Africa

This session of the Demographic Dividend Luminaries Series focuses on the possibility of “the youth bulge” (a relatively large increase in the proportion of young people within a population), which can play a significant role in a country’s ability to harness the benefits of a demographic dividend.

Speakers discuss data innovations that the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is leading to support the African region in attaining a demographic dividend. Additionally, participants examine major concerns related to climate change and population in these contexts.

ICFP Demographic Dividend Photo Highlights

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